Went to Innsbruck and Salzburg. Had so so so so so much fun that i am going back again in April. My friends think i am mad cos the place is so small and cannot even be considered a proper city. But it was oh so nice... I can so sit half a day in the park and watch little kids play. Okok... enough of silly rantings. You guys wanna see photos right? =P
Day One
We had to change into some funny clothes provided for us before we get into the mines. Anyway, this photo shows the lovely people who toured Salzburg together with me. (from L to R) Alex, her bf Vien, Me, Anesia, Cheryl and Mindy. Hiro, our host was the photographer.

Anyway, salt is what makes Salzburg the rich city it is. They were one of the earliest salt producers in the world. And here you see the slides in the mines. It's the highlight of the tour... it was so fun sliding down one of those.
And of cos, as with all countries with a long history, you get to see weird mummies. This is a mine worker who got trapped and died in there. Because of the salt, his body was actually very well preserved until some other smart workers exposed his body to external conditions for money.
After the mines, we visited this fortress built to protect Salzburg from the external threats. Other people were always trying to attack them to get the salt.
As mentioned, weather on the first day was not very pleasant. Look at how strong the winds were! I was actually struggling to walk. And look at poor Vien behind me. Lol~
But of cos, going through the winds were all worthwhile. Look at the view from the viewing gallery! You can see like the whole of Salzburg old town from here. Lol... You also get to see the Sound of Music castle. Hiro told me that when his brother working in Singapore gets married in May, the wedding celebrations are going to be held at this Sound of Music castle. Arghhhh... i am so jealous!

Day 2
Remember now?
Well, our initial agenda was just to look at the pavilion and take a walk around the park. But we totally strayed from our agenda when we saw this all around the park. Guys, it's SPRING!!! Wahahhaa... the girls went gaga over the flowers and while we were all busy taking photos of the flowers, the 2 guys went to the carpark to look at cars. Lol! how typically guy. =P
Day 2 started with a trip to visit the park with the pavilion from Sound of Music. For those of you who are not familiar with Sound of Music, i'm talking about the pavilion where the captain /Maria sang "Something Good" and where the eldest daughter sang "16 going on 17" with her boyfriend.

Oh... we also found this playground in the park. At first we were all a bit shy to go play together with all the kids but after a while, we were all like having so much fun there. I think we stayed like an hour at the playground. There was this mini flying fox thingy at the park and we all played with it. Something funny happened to Mindy when she got on it. The 2 guys pushed her so hard that she went from one end to the other and swung one big round and fell onto the ground. Wahahhaha... Too bad we didn't get any photos of that.
But Anesia got some good shots of the kid in Hiro. Look at Hiro on the swing. He is oh so good with the swing. Lol~
Look at him jump off the swing! And he still said that his "professional days are over". I think they are far from being over. He has such a big kid in him. Wahahahh~
Before we went for lunch at the old town, we stopped by the lake and took some photos of the Sound of Music Castle. Again, for those of you who are not familiar with Sound of Music, it's the house that the Von Trapp family stayed in. This lake is also the lake where they filmed the scene of the kids in the boat that capsized. Super pretty yea? And oh... some of you would have noticed by now that Day 2 had great weather. =)
Lastly, we ended our trip in Salzburg with a nice cup of coffee at Cafe Stein. Cafe Stein has this open air platform where you can get a marvellous view of Salzburg. It was so nice having coffee there. Too bad it was a bit cold. My earl grey tea got cold so fast i didn't really get to enjoy sipping it slowly. =P
And of cos, how can you said you've visited Salzburg when you do not see anything Mozart? Here you see Mozart's birthplace. It's nothing special really. Just another house along the road when we went to get the cars. Lol~ Btw, Salzburgers are so proud of Mozart that they have this chocolate sweet named after him. We had coffee in the cafe that invented these Mozart Kugels in Day One and Hiro tried to explain to me what those sweets are and a joke started. Well, kugels mean balls in German and so... if you were to translate Mozart Kugels to English, it would actually be erms... Mozart Balls. Lol~ The bunch of us had such a good laugh about it.

Anyway, i really enjoyed myself over the weekend even though something lousy happened to my camera. All the photos u guys see here are from Hiro and Anesia. But oh well, i still had fun and so shall not talk about the camera thingy. Will go back to Salzburg in April. This time around i will take more photos to compensate for my lousy loss.
Okay... shall end here now. This has been a historically long post. For those of you who read my other blog, u would have realised by now, this is my longest post EVER. =P
Okay... shall end here now. This has been a historically long post. For those of you who read my other blog, u would have realised by now, this is my longest post EVER. =P
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