I'm now already back from Brussels and i'm still not done with St Gallen. Arghh... Now i'm the one with extreme blogstipation!!!
Anyway, let me continue with St Gallen and then we can go on to Brussels soon k?
Well, i didn't really do much in St Gallen other than to visit friends and have good food. It was nice that i got to meet Abu and Melvin both at the same time. It's been like more than a year since i actually last went out with Abu and as for Melvin, i don't think we met since my "farewell" in January.

They decided to start my trip to St Gallen with a proper Swiss meal and what can get more Swiss than CHEESE FONDUE?! Hahahha... I'm glad Jill and i made the decision to share cos the portion was huge and i'm not quite sure if choosing a cheese pot with snapps in it was a wise decision. =P

Mel and i under the umbrella. Doesn't it look weird that there is this umbrella sitting between us? -bleahs- Honestly, i would have liked a better looking photo but this is the only photo i took with him in St Gallen.

Abu and his cute t-shirt. Hahhaha... it was nice meeting Abu in St Gallen. Heard about his interesting stories and weird apartment which overlooks Lake Konstanz. Hahahha.. And i like Abu's shirt... it's just SO ABU. Hhaaha... =P Miss hanging out with him and the guys from my JC class.

During my stay in St Gallen, i also got to visit the Abbey of St Gall(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_of_St._Gall) in town. It's like the only major tourist attraction in St Gallen and its a UNESCO World Heritage. Well, it's not really as impressive as i thought it would be but it was nice and quiet. Guess i've had an overdose of cathedrals in Europe. I mean, take a look at Stephansdom! It's magnificent... i honestly think it's gonna be an uphill task for any other cathedral to charm me.

Near the cathedral was this library. It was quite interesting and as Jill puts it, it's like a library out of Harry Potter. It was old but very well preserved and it was just nice to see such an old library. Sadly, u can't take pics inside the library so this photo is one taken just outside the library. It's a window that has been covered up by books instead of a glass window. Quite nice ya?

And lastly, to complete my stay in Switzerland, how can anyone not see any nature when she visits Switzerland? Well, i've had too little time to actually go up the mountains so Jill and I had to settle for a little nature hike down the hill along a small river. But well, the river was really nice and Jill and i really enjoyed ourselves. It was noisy cos the water was gushing down from the mountains but yet it was peaceful. It was a pretty nice feeling i must say.

And finally on the morning before i left St Gallen, i had a short jog with Ulrike, a housemate of Jill and it was nice. I mean, how many places can be 10 minutes away from your house and yet have a view of the mountains, the town and the forest? To make it even better, it was so quiet that i could hear the bells on the cows' necks even though i couldn't see them. It was fabulous.
Anyway, that was about all i saw in St Gallen. It's just a small city anyway. (erms... honestly, i won't even wanna categorize it as city. Way too small!) BUT... my stay in Switz has a part 3 where i travelled out to Konstanz and that was like the mega highlight of my trip. Shall update again soon. Now, i run out of the house to go meet a friend for some nice Austrian wine and rich Austrian food. I'm 100% sure i am gonna miss the nice cheap white wine i get here when i go back to Sg. =P
Tschüss! Bis bald!
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